Maxine Melts While Claiming Russia Collusion Isn’t Over — Gets Destroyed

People are wondering what’s wrong with Maxine Waters. The 81-year-old Democrat appeared on CNN today looking like her face was melting as she claimed the Russia collusion case isn’t over and there is “still a lot more to come.” Based on how sickly she looked, many are speculating that she just lost all her marbles. Regardless, Americans right away destroyed her crazy claim about Russia and Trump. You’ll love this.

Rep. Maxine Waters and President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: CNN/Video/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Maxine Waters can’t seem to accept the fact President Donald Trump did not collude with Russia. The elderly Democrat from California gained national attention following the 2016 election when she started to immediately call for impeachment.

After the Robert Mueller investigation tanked and Mueller’s testimony before Congress proved the entire investigation was a scam, poor Maxine really faded from the headlines. No longer did she get invitations to appear on MSNBC or CNN. The “Impeach 45” train ride was over.

Now that Speaker Nancy Pelosi created a big spectacle calling for an impeachment inquiry yesterday, even though Chairman Jerry Nadler had already started one a few weeks ago, Mad Maxine shows up back on CNN.

During Wednesday’s broadcast of “New Day” on CNN, Maxine Waters looked like she isn’t doing too well. Her face was glassy and sweaty. People claimed she looks like she is “melting.” Her eyes darted around. Based on her statements, which are just ridiculous, she really needs to retire.

Maxine pushed back against the notion that FBI special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russia collusion failed to deliver for the Democrats.

Waters told “New Day” host Alisyn Camerota there was “ample information” for obstruction of justice in the Mueller report, adding there is “still a lot more to come about collusion.”

“As you know, the Mueller report, I think it’s fair to say, did not deliver what Democrats were hoping for,” Camerota posed to Waters. “And so I think — ”

“Well … no, that is not true,” Waters interrupted. “That is not true. Don’t forget, there was ample information there for obstruction of justice, ample information. If you’re referring to the collusion part of it, it was not as strong, but there’s still a lot more to come about collusion, yes.”

She continued, “[W]hen you talk about what Mueller did, certainly, that report was not conclusive about collusion, but it gave us ample information about obstruction of justice, referring back to Comey and some of the other things that the president has done that certainly is obstruction of justice.”

There you have it. Auntie Maxine just can’t let it go. 

It was truly an embarrassing segment proving the doddering Maxine is having senior moments. Many Americans weighed in on Waters new collusion delusion, and they all agree she is bonkers.

“There you go again Mad Max, what a despicable NOT human being you truly are. She’s so vile she believes in the Russia story, MAX Russia is old news” tweeted “Conservative One.”

“Mental Patient Nutjob Maxine Waters: ‘Still a Lot More to Come’ on Trump Colluding with Russia,” tweeted Twitter user “Chosen One Bob Henry.”

“BREAKING: Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, one of 6 impeachment inquiry panel chairs, told CNN this morning, ‘There’s still a lot more to come about collusion.’ Russia or Ukraine? ‘Both.’ Like what? ‘It will include any number of things,’ Waters replied, appearing to grasp at straws,” tweeted Paul Sperry.

So mad max @RepMaxineWaters are you still going to get in my face and harass me in department stores, restaurants, and gasoline stations??” tweeted “Mary G.”

Maxine Waters really needs to retire. She’s 81-years-old. The Congresswoman is infamously known as the “Poverty Pimp” in her own district.

It was only when she started screaming about impeachment did she gain the national spotlight with the Hollywood crowd gushing over her every word. Back in March, the NAACP gave Waters the “Chairman’s Award.”

“I got the gavel and I’m not afraid to use it,” the congresswoman said while accepting the Chairman’s Award during the 50th NAACP Image Awards. She is referring to her tenure as the chairman of the House Finance Committee which is a farce since ole Maxine has been accused of financial corruption in the past.

Her judgment is gone. Claiming there is still more to come in regards to the Russian collusion case has got to be the icing on the cake. Time for her to go quietly into retirement before she really makes a blunder of epic proportions.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.