Meghan: Ivanka Trump Bad Person Who Crashed Dad’s Funeral, Gets Smackdown

Senator John McCain has been dead for over a year. but Meghan McCain can’t seem to move on. In fact, the 34-year-old is now crying on live TV that some members of the Trump family are bad people who crashed her father’s funeral. Well, Meghan got a big reality check. Americans are completely fed up. You’ll love this.

Meghan McCain and President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Meghan McCain was once again crying about her father’s funeral and how the Trump family has done her wrong. The Never Trumper used her platform on The View yesterday to make some disturbing allegations about Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

“I still don’t know what she does all day,” McCain said about Ivanka Tuesday on The View. “I know she does women’s initiatives, but that’s all very nebulous.”

McCain has been a critic of the Trump administration and has signaled that she would potentially vote for former Vice President Joe Biden in 2020 if he were the Democratic nominee.

“No offense, they crashed my dad’s funeral. They get nothing from me. Really, they’re not good people,” she added.

Well, the White House gave ole Meghan a proper smackdown. 

“The idea that the hosts of The View or a reporter at The Atlantic have any factual reads on what goes on within the Trump family is completely asinine,” spokeswoman Jessica Ditto told People magazine after McCain railed against Trump and Kushner.

“Ivanka is proud of this administration and the work that they have done over the last two-and-a-half years,” Ditto added. “Pledges for the creation of millions of training opportunities for American workers and over a billion dollars in funding toward women’s economic empowerment in Latin America are anything but nebulous.”

Maybe Meghan would like to explain to the American people how her dear dad turned traitor on his own party and enabled the deep state rats to attempt a soft coup against the duly elected President of the United States.

Senator McCain, a swamp dweller, helped Hillary Clinton and the deep state rats by being the sole Republican to turn over the Russian Dossier to the FBI and CIA, knowing it was a fictional work to discredit Donald Trump. McCain sent his aide David Kramer to pick it up from British spy Christopher Steele.

Under oath, Kramer said, “I think they [Fusion GPS] felt a senior Republican [McCain] was better to be the recipient of this [Steele dossier] rather than a Democrat because if it were a Democrat, I think that the view was that it would have been dismissed as a political attack.”

McCain knew it was a political attack on Trump. He knew it was a pile of crap, and yet he decided to give it creditability hoping it would be the end of Trump. It was a dirty play by a man who claimed to be a hero and a patriot.

So, when Meghan McCain attacks the Trump family as bad people despite all the dirty tricks the Senator played on Trump, including his thumbs down vote on getting rid of Obamacare, we find it childish and self-serving.

When Meghan attacks Ivanka and Jared claiming they “crashed” the funeral, we find it entirely ungrateful since the president authorized the endless memorials, flying his body all over the country, which played on live TV for six days with more pomp and circumstance like we were burying the Queen of England.

It’s also a lie. Ivanka and Jared were invited by Senator Lindsay Graham, who had cleared it with Cindy McCain, The Hill reported back in September 2018. Then, on the Stephen Colbert show right after the funeral, Meghan whined, “I thought that my family had made it clear, or at least I had, that the Trumps are unwelcome around me.”

“But it’s their call, and I think America can judge on its own what they thought of that, and what they thought of my eulogy,” McCain added.

Well, Americans are judging Ms. McCain, and they are fed up with her drama queen act. 

“Oh FFS, get your own life Meghan… Your dad was a disgrace. Leave the Trump family alone. You are pathetic,” tweeted Twitter user “Suzie Q.”

Harboring bitterness …not healthy. McCain funeral was Trump-bashing. Obama there instead of @POTUS & he screwed country/citizens over with lies and anti-USA/anti-citizen behavior. So to invite anti-American Obamas instead of @POTUS/@FLOTUS says a lot,” tweeted “Leesa FL.”

“Her father’s dead body was flown all over and granted the PRIVILEGE to ‘lie in state’ thanks to President Trump, whether Meghan likes it or not. For her thankless ass to still be going on because someone she doesn’t like attended shows her weakness. They showed up to pay respect,” tweeted “Jr.”

“Does Meghan’s wealth help women? Ivanka donates her salary & has taken over $50 millions of her money helping training entrepreneurs women,” tweeted Twitter user “ARR.”

Americans find it hard to relate to Meghan McCain’s constant cry-fest about her privileged dad who at the end of his life was driven by jealousy and hatred so much so he turned traitor on his own country by enabling the deep state rats.

It’s entirely possible that if McCain would have refused to make the Russian Dossier legitimate, the Special Counsel never would have been appointed in the first place. America was torn apart over a lie that John McCain had no problem in spreading.

Meghan McCain refuses to see that she comes off like a two-year-old having a tantrum. The American people have no sympathy for this coddled drama queen.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.