Michelle Dines With Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife, Sent To Do Democrats’ Dirty Work

Michelle Obama was caught dining with Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen on Wednesday night at a trendy but secluded Washington, D.C. eatery. Kathleen is privy to most of the Bidens’ schemes in Ukraine, and the former first lady was allegedly sent to speak with her for one big reason. Don’t miss this.

Michelle Obama, Kathleen Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Michelle Obama was hoping to keep her secluded dinner on Wednesday night with Kathleen Biden under wraps. The Georgetown eatery Brasserie Liberté confirmed the two dined last night but refused to comment further. A tipster told the Hill that Obama and Biden were accompanied by several others and stayed for three hours.

With Washington, D.C. buzzing with the Senate impeachment trial where the Democrats mentioned Joe and Hunter Biden over 400 times, Kathleen Biden is definitely a person of interest.

Kathleen Biden could blow up the entire impeachment case for the Democrats. 

According to Page Six, “Their divorce [in 2017] ended 22 years of marriage that included drug and cheating allegations. Kathleen accused Hunter in court records of blowing the family’s savings on drugs and prostitutes, though neither side contested the divorce and they reached a private settlement.”

So, Kathleen, who is also the mother of his three daughters, was married to Hunter at the time of these alleged corrupt business deals:

  • April 15, 2014: Burisma sends Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, $112,000.
  • April 16, 2014: Archer visits Vice President Biden at the White House.
  • April 21, 2014: The veep arrives in Ukraine bearing millions in aid for the Ukraine energy industry.
  • May 12, 2014: Hunter Biden joins Burisma’s board.
  • February, 2015: Ukrainian authorities seize property of Burisma’s CEO and go after unpaid taxes.
  • March, 2016: Biden demands that Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Victor Shokin, be fired and threatens to hold up $1 billion in US loan guarantees.

“The young Biden faces allegations of corruption over his business dealings in Ukraine, China, and other corruption-plagued countries. Reports suggest Hunter was paid roughly $83,000 per month to serve on the board of directors of Ukrainian energy giant Burisma Holdings — despite having no experience in the industry — while his father oversaw U.S. policy toward Ukraine as vice president,” Breitbart reports.

Such allegations, among others, prompted President Donald Trump to ask Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into the Bidens during a July 25 telephone call, and Kathleen Biden was married to Hunter at the time this was all going down.

What’s the old saying? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Right after their divorce in 2017, Hunter wasted no time shaming Kathleen even more. Hunter began dating his brother’s widow, Hallie Biden — as first reported by Page Six — and that relationship became the talk of the town in DC.

At the time, Joe Biden said: “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness. They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them.”

So, now do you see why Michelle Obama was tasked with dining out with Kathleen Biden last night? 

An ex-spouse can testify against a former spouse in a criminal or grand jury proceeding. She can be a witness, and she can give information to the Republicans. With the way the Biden family has treated her, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think she has a real bone to pick with them.

Making matters worse, Hunter Biden was just busted not paying child support. “Amid a court battle with the mother of one of his soon-to-be five children, Hunter Biden has been cruising around Beverly Hills in a Porsche boasting a six-figure price tag,” Washington Examiner reports.

Photos obtained by the New York Post show Hunter Biden, son of White House hopeful and former Vice President Joe Biden, with his wife Melissa at the Beverly Hills Waldorf Astoria next to a Porsche Panamera GTS, which has a starting price of $129,300.

“‘I can’t pay child support.’ ~ Hunter Biden Also Hunter Biden: ‘Let me fix my $600 skinny pants while I get out of my $130K Porsche for lunch at the Waldorf Astoria.’ GTFOH #Biden,” tweeted “NOT/NOT Eric Ciaramella.”

Hunter Biden is a real scumbag, and his ex-wife of 22 years has every right, and some might say a duty, to shed any light on his alleged crimes in Ukraine.

Day after day during the impeachment trial, Adam Schiff and his co-conspirators have denied Hunter Biden did anything corrupt in his dealings in Ukraine. In fact, Schiff laughs it off, as if it is a big joke, that anyone would consider his Burisima dealings anything but a “conspiracy theory.”

Anyone who has direct knowledge of that time in Hunter Biden’s life should come forward, and anyone putting pressure on those with direct knowledge to not come forward are traitors of the United States of America.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.