Military Officer Drops Bombshell Claim About 600K ‘Voter Spike’ At PA Hearing

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania state legislature held a public hearing on “election issues” which was attended by Trump’s legal team including Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis. However, it was one military officer who dropped a bombshell allegation about a 600,000 voter spike that caused the entire audience to gasp. Don’t miss this.

PA state legislature hearing on 2020 election issues (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

The Pennslyvania state legislature held a public hearing at the Wyndham Gettysburg Hotel on Wednesday. Senator Doug Mastriano (R) started off the hearing by making a statement on the disputed claims of election fraud.

“Elections are a fundamental principle of our democracy – unfortunately, Pennsylvanians have lost faith in the electoral system,” said Mastriano, who recently called for the resignation of State Department Secretary Kathy Boockvar for negligence and incompetence. “It is unacceptable.”

“Over the past few weeks, I have heard from thousands of Pennsylvanians regarding issues experienced at the polls, irregularities with the mail-in voting system, and concerns whether their vote was counted,” said Mastriano. “We need to correct these issues to restore faith in our republic.”

By far, the star of the show was retired Colonel Phil Waldron, who reported on irregularities involving “computer voter spikes.” 

“The last part of my military career I spent in information warfare as a psychological operations officer,” Waldron said. “Electronic warfare, I conducted special electronic warfare, deception, counter-deception, and a few other specialties.”

“I spent all of my time as an operations officer,” Waldron said. “My perspective looking at this problem set is how to break in, how to destroy it, and how to manipulate it.”

“My team has been researching this specific issue since August but we are also working with another team that is working on the voting machine manipulation for two years,” the retired colonel explained.

“Our experts and other professionals believe over 1.2 million Pennslyvania votes could have been altered for fraud,” he claimed. “This is what we discovered in the last 22 days.”

Waldron advised that only a “detailed forensic analysis” could determine how many Pennsylvania citizens had their “civil rights violated.”

Waldron then dropped a bombshell. 

He directed those at the hearing to take out a chart. “So, what our team has done is to focus on the spike anomalies,” he said while holding up the chart.

“These are events where a numerical amount of votes are processed at a time period that’s not feasible or mechanically possible,” Waldron explained. “These spike anomalies really show us where to look forensically.”

One of the spikes around 4 a.m. on Election Night shows a spike of 600,000 votes being processed.

Rudy Giuliani asked Waldron if they were able to break down the number of those votes that were for Joe Biden and the number of those votes that were for President Trump.

“That’s 604,000 votes in 90 minutes?” Guiliani asked. “How much f0r Biden and how much for Trump?”

“Close to 600,000. I think our numbers were 570 some odd thousand that all those spikes represent over time,” Waldron said.

“For Biden?” Guiliani asked.

“Correct,” Waldron answered.

“And how much for Trump?” Guiliani asked.

“I think a little over 3200,” Waldron responded.

The attendees gasped in disbelief.

Waldron’s testimony starts at around 1:23:10 in the video:

Waldron explained that in a normal election you would typically see a gradual curve on the chart and spikes are an indicator of fraud, in his opinion. However, it’s also a disputed opinion.

We cannot move this country forward without a real forensic audit of those states that are reporting similar findings. So, pass this information along. Only when we get to the bottom of these irregularities can we know what remedy to take to restore confidence in our election integrity.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.