As Obama Attacks Trump At Lewis Funeral, POTUS Cleans Up Barack’s Big Mistake

Barack Obama used his eulogy at the funeral of John Lewis to go on a political diatribe, attacking President Donald Trump and the federal agents sent to quell the violence at so-called peaceful protests. He also pushed mail-in voting. Meanwhile, the president was cleaning up one of Barack’s biggest mistakes and making him look like a fool. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Barack Obama (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Barack Obama used John Lewis’ funeral to attack President Donald Trump.

“Today we witness with our own eyes police officers kneeling on the necks of black Americans,” Obama said during his eulogy to Lewis.

“George Wallace may be gone, but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators,” he added, comparing the President to the racist Democrat politician, without directly mentioning him.

“You may no longer have to count the number of jellybeans in a jar in order to cast a ballot, but even as we sit here, there are those in power who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations, and targeting minorities and students with restrictive ID laws, and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision, even undermining the postal service in the run up to an election that’s going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don’t get sick.”

Meanwhile, President Trump was cleaning up one of Obama’s biggest mistakes by getting back $200 million of taxpayer funds. 

Trump directed his Department f Energy to reach a settlement on Thursday to recover $200 million in taxpayer funds from a loan the Obama administration distributed in 2011 to finance a $1 billion solar power plant that was deemed obsolete before it could officially go online.

The settlement between DOE and Tonopah Solar Energy must now be approved by a bankruptcy court, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

Obama’s Department of Energy provided a $737 million loan to Tonopah in September 2011 for the purposes of financing the $1.1 billion Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project in Nevada.

The agency disbursed funds for the plant in 2011 and 2013 before the project experienced problems requiring improvements, rendering the Crescent Dunes obsolete by 2015, Bloomberg reported in January.

The Obama administration loan was distributed three weeks after Solyndra got $535 million in government loan guarantees during the Obama administration before declaring bankruptcy in 2011.

Americans blasted Obama for using the eulogy to attack Trump and push mail-in voting.  

“Isn’t it amazing no one else is allowed a funeral because of covid. John Lewis for six. George Floyd had five. Wow. Hypocrisy at its finest. Of course Barack would be there cause he’s the best at hypocrisy,” tweeted Carolyn Keefe.

“Go figures they’ll use the dead man’s funeral to attack Trump. Obama has become very disappointing I’m seeing a side I never thought was there…and this is what politics do you’d think People actually care about people but all they care about is the power behind the politics,” tweeted Twitter user “Tee.”

“Funny how things change. I can recall when a eulogy was intended to remember the deceased person’s finer times in life. Not to verbally kick the shit out of one’s political opponents. Didn’t he mention the word ‘dignity’ earlier? Someone care to explain to him what it means?” tweeted “BackoftheQAnon.”

“If you can protest in person, you can vote in person,” tweeted Scott Rooney.

“Still the greatest threat to America. Divider in Chief. Radical Marxist,” tweeted Twitter user “Ann.”

“Baiting for mail-in ballot is the goal here. So people can protest on road but can’t vote in person. Voting in person should be peaches as a protest against fascism per Democrats definition. So why mail-in ballots? Voting fraud?” tweeted “Deshpremi.”

Leftist Jeffrey Toobin, a reporter for the New Yorker, outlined why mail-in voting is not working and leads to fraud. 

New York held an election in June, and as of this writing on July 31, the results are not known.

“So far in the Maloney-Patel race, about twenty percent of the absentee ballots have been rejected. Many were voided because the voters did not sign the outer envelope that they returned with their ballots,” Toobin writes.

“When you have that many people failing to file correctly, that’s not their fault,” Suraj Patel said, the candidate in the New York race. “That’s a design flaw. It’s a disgrace to disenfranchise people because of what the Board of Elections did wrong in the first place.”

The problem, of course, isn’t unique to New York; mailed-in ballots are being rejected at high rates across the country.

“But Democrats control the state government of New York, and they are responsible for creating the fiasco that is unfolding now—and that is certain to get worse in November,” Toobin adds.

If people can go out and protest, then they can go out and vote. Instead of hyping mail-in voting which has any number of issues that lead to voiding the vote or fraud, why aren’t the Democrats urging their constituents to vote in person?

If Barack Obama uses a eulogy to push mail-in voting, then you know it is because the Democrats are ready to do ballot harvesting where one operative can gather a slew of so-called votes and turn them in. Of course, those votes are all bogus. That’s why we must urge all or family and friends to get the word out: vote in person in November.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.