Omar & Alleged Lover Deny Being At Antifa’s Trump Protest, Evidence Released

Ilhan Omar and her alleged married lover Tim Mynett have been busy bees lately. Just last week, the pair were allegedly caught amongst the horde of violent Antifa thugs who came to downtown Minneapolis to riot at President Donald Trump’s rally. Omar totally denies these claims and says she was in Morrocco catching a flight home. But new information has come out. Now, Omar and Mynett are also defying FEC complaints and violations. You’ll love this.

Rep. Omar denies being anywhere near downtown Minneapolis on the evening of October 10. According to the Minnesota Congresswoman, she was in Casablanca, Morrocco, catching a flight back to New York’s JFK airport.

Omar was adamant about not taking part in the violent Antifa riot outside Trump’s rally, and she turned over her boarding passes to friendly press contacts. Video captured of the protest appears to show what looks like Omar and Mynett. One Twitter account, the Imam of Peace, who is an Islamic reformer with 575,000 followers, helped spread the video and pictures which Ilhan later denied.

“What were you doing with Antifa last night in the violent riots against President @realDonaldTrump’s speech?” he posted the next day as part of a series of tweets which included collages and snippets of the video.

“A quick and dismissive denial by Omar was itself dismissed by supporters of the erroneous theory as lacking evidence, while others went so far as to use facial recognition software in an attempt to establish their presence,” reports Pioneer Press, who are big supporters of Omar.

“The false theory, which has gained national attention, was based on videos of the protests that show two people who look to some to be strikingly similar to Omar and Mynett. Mynett has worked for Omar and is accused of being her lover by his wife in divorce papers — an allegation both Omar and Mynett have denied,” Pioneer Press adds.

They also added screen captures of Omar’s boarding passes. Here’s a picture of the boarding pass from Morocco to JFK dated October 11 at 4:10 pm:

Many people still believe it was Omar at the Antifa protest. However, this boarding pass is pretty convincing. Even taking into account the time difference that places Omar boarding that plane at 11:10 am New York time.

One person we do know who was at that Antifa protest and was really pumped up about it was Omar’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Isra Hirsi. She tweeted about the protest and took pictures, one shows her giving a thumbs up with a huge middle finger sign that says “F*ck Trump.”

We are wondering who accompanied the teenage daughter of Ilhan? Her allegedly married boyfriend, Mynett, told Pioneer Press he wasn’t anywhere near Minneapolis and his good buddy backs up that claim.

“Marcus Robinson, who works at Mynett’s E Street Group and serves as the firm’s spokesman, said he saw Mynett in Washington Oct. 10,” Pioneer Press adds.

Well, that settles it. Unfortunately, what isn’t settled is Omar’s spending habits when it comes to Mynett. After their alleged affair was discovered, Omar got hit with an FEC (Federal Election Commission) complaint that is still being investigated for campaign spending violations for allegedly funding lavish hotels and trips with Mynett and claiming it was for her job as a Congresswoman.

So, instead of ramping down her spending with Mynett, Omar did the opposite and ramped it up. 

“Rep. Ilhan Omar’s political campaign ramped up its spending to a firm owned by the man she’s alleged to be having an extramarital affair within the third quarter of 2019, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records,” Daily Caller reports. 

Omar’s campaign disbursed about $146,713 to Democratic consultant Tim Mynett’s E Street Group LLC between the beginning of July and the end of September, according to records the campaign filed with the FEC on Tuesday. The payments were primarily for digital advertising and consulting services, however, about $3,000 were payments for “travel expenses.”

Ilhan Omar and Tim Mynett have been pictured together at multiple events in recent months. Most notably, the pair was pictured sitting together at a fundraiser for CAIR in late March where the congresswoman described the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.”

So, you can see why people might have thought she and Mynett were canoodling at an Antifa Trump protest, especially in Minneapolis. Now that we know her daughter was gung-ho about attending the violent Antifa event, it’s not as if Ilhan can say being there is out of the question.

No, Omar goes as far as to call Trump’s Minnesota rally a “Klan rally.” 

“They are clearly insane, the cult of fake photos and stories is at it again. First they said I was at 911 party that never happened, this time I was at their klan rally while I was in Morocco. Their obsession is going to have deadly outcome, hope these platforms can step in,” tweeted Ilhan.

Omar’s attorneys dismissed the National Legal and Policy Center’s FEC complaint, calling it a baseless “political ploy.” Then, Omar denied in a late August interview with a local news reporter that she was having an extramarital affair.

“Are you separated from your husband? Are you dating someone?” WCCO reporter Esme Murphy asked her.

“No, I am not,” Omar replied. “And like I said yesterday, I have no interest in allowing the conversation about my personal life to continue.”

But in early October, Omar filed for divorce from her husband, Ahmed Hirsi. We are sure that was just a strange coincidence.

“There has been an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage relationship,” Omar’s divorce filing stated.

“The Omar campaign did not immediately return a request for comment, ” Daily Caller adds.

Of course, they aren’t going to comment. How can she explain ramping up spending to her alleged lover? Mr. Mynett must be doing a ton of work for Omar, like $145,000 worth of work for three whole months. The Minnesota Congresswoman has no shame.

She really doesn’t care about ethics in office or spending her supporter’s hard-earned money. Just another day in the life of Ilhan Omar, or whatever her real name turns out to be.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.