Pelosi: Trump ‘Cheering People On With Guns & Swastikas’ — Gets Brutal Smackdown

Nancy Pelosi is back to trashing President Donald Trump and his supporters. She accused the president of “cheering people on” with “guns and swastikas to the legislature in Michigan and saying these are really good people.” But that’s not all. Poor Nancy was having a hard time making sense, and she was in for a brutal smackdown. You’ll love this.

Nancy Pelosi (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused President Donald Trump of “cheering people on” with “guns and swastikas to the legislature in Michigan, and saying these are really good people.”

Pelosi was back to her usual “word salad” of making little sense. 

“The fact is if you undermine science— if you underfund testing— if you exaggerate the opportunity that it’s out there for the economy at the risk of people dying, that’s not a plan. Death is not an economic motivator stimulus,” the Speaker said, which sounds like a “flight of ideas.”

“So why are we going down that path?” Pelosi said. “Why don’t we — you know everyone wants to get out and we think to unlock the lockdown is to test, trace and treat as well as isolate and social distancing. And when the science tells us that we can do something differently or to be socially distant wearing your mask, doing things in a way that is appropriate. But not cheering people on going with guns and swastikas to the legislature in Michigan and saying these are really good people.”

Well, it was truly hard to follow her train of thought. But she had more to say. 

“What I don’t understand about someone associated with the task force is how the concern that that happened and it’s dangerous and these people can take this home with them and hurt their families and all of the rest, but they never say to the president, don’t look fondly on that. That’s not supposed to happen. It’s in defiance of the guidelines you’re asking people to honor and yet you honor those who are in violation of them,” Pelosi declared.

Americans are sick and tired of Nancy pulling the Nazi card on Trump and his supporters. 

Attn: @SpeakerPelosi When the Nazis are referenced in anti-lockdown rallies, it is IN OPPOSITION to Nazi policies. Nazis seized guns… Nazis hated individual rights… Nazis closed churches & synagogues… Nazis employed pseudoscience lies @TheDemocrats are Nazis,” tweeted “Acquitted Forever.”

“St. Nancy of Pelosi is playing the Trump Loves Nazis card. That’s now her go to mode,” tweeted Deb Shey.

After a half Decade of Fakestream Media and Dem Party Ops siccing their slobbering leftloons on innocent Patriots, now NAZI Pelosi: Trump ‘Cheering People On‘ with Guns and Swastikas. We’ve only just begun #Revolution2020 and the ball’s in your Court,” tweeted “One Voice.”

“This woman has never thought of a lie that was beyond her grasp. Truly Despicable,” tweeted Twitter user “CJ.”

“Pelosi; teasing hungry people with expensive ice cream,” tweeted Earl Handy.

“Swastikas represent the socialists like you Nancy, put down the ice cream you have a brain freeze,” tweeted Ted Pierce.

STUPID @speakerpelosi DOESN’T KNOW GUN OWNERSHIP IS OUR RIGHT! Go back to swilling VODKA, Nanc!” tweeted “PolitixGal.”

“I can’t believe anyone still believes anything Pelosi rambles on about. It’s So Stupid,” tweeted Beth Mowery.

Pelosi has to do damage to Trump’s image. New polls say Joe Biden is losing ground in the battle states. 

Most Americans know that pollsters can be extremely biased. Not one major polling outlet had Trump winning the 2016 election. So, in the last few months, these same pollsters have been telling us Biden is ahead of Trump by a good margin — until yesterday. A new Reuters poll is causing the Democrats much concern.

“The opinion poll conducted on Monday and Tuesday found that 43% of registered voters said they would support Biden in the Nov. 3 presidential election, while 41% said they would back Trump. That makes the contest essentially a toss-up, as the results are within the poll’s credibility interval,” Reuters reports.

“Biden led by 6 percentage points in a similar poll last week and by 8 points in a poll that ran April 15 to 21,” they added. Making matters worse for Nancy Pelosi and her party: “According to the poll, 45% of Americans said Trump was better suited to create jobs, while 32% said Biden was the better candidate for that.”

Americans know they can trust Donald Trump to bring back the jobs that were lost and fix the economy, and that’s why Nancy Pelosi has gone back to calling Trump and his base “Nazis.” Well, that’s all poor Pelosi has got, and we highly doubt name-calling is going to sway anyone who desperately wants to see the economy back up and running.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.