Hilarious Posters Pop Up Of Schiff Who Is Sued For Leaking False Info To Media

Adam Schiff has beclowned himself so many times during the impeachment hearings, the street artist “Sabo” decided to plaster posters of the California Democrat all over Los Angeles. Conservative media now have a video that is going viral of the Los Angeles bus stops with the unflattering Schiff posters. But that’s not all. This comes on the heels of a new lawsuit which alleges Schiff leaked false info to his leftist media cohorts about the impeachment hearings.

President Donald Trump, Poster of Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: Youtube/Screenshot, Unsavory Agents)

Shameless. That’s what the street artist known as Sabo thinks of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Congressional impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump currently unfolding in Washington, D.C.

The anonymous street artist has created a new series of impeachment-themed posters parodying the long-running Showtime series Shameless, whose tenth season began this week, and plastering them throughout Rep. Schiff’s district in Los Angeles.

Sabo mocked Rep. Adam Schiff, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, California Sen. Kamala Harris, adult actress Stormy Daniels, Chris Cuomo of CNN, and several others.

Conservative YouTube reporter Josh Bernstein also went viral with his video on the Schiff posters which hit the California Democrat’s Los Angeles district. The posters include Schiff with a toilet seat mouth, Schiff as a clown, and Schiff in place of the “Shameless” advertisement:

But that’s not all. Schiff is in hot water once again. Schiff (D-CA) “acted in concert” with left-leaning Politico to leak allegedly false information from the impeachment inquiry as part of a “scheme” to advance the “inquisition” against President Donald Trump, according to an explosive defamation lawsuit filed by a senior Trump White House official on Monday.

White House official Kash Patel, who is a senior counterterrorism official on the National Security Council (NSC), filed the lawsuit in Virginia court in which he says Schiff “weaponized the media” to advance his impeachment agenda.

Patel is a former staffer to the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who later moved to the White House in the NSC to advise the president on national security and intelligence matters.

Nunes has been talking about this incident. During Schiff’s secret hearings, either Adam Schiff himself or his staffers got a hold of Politico reporter Natasha Bertrand and leaked the closed-door testimony of witnesses Fiona Hill and Alexander Vindman.

“[Schiff leaked] Hill and Vindman’s false and defamatory statements, including Hill and Vindman’s egregious personal attacks on Kash, so as to further Schiff and Politico’s interests in harming the President and advancing the impeachment inquisition,” reads the lawsuit.

Nunes and his former aide Kash knew immediately that the only person this leak came from was Adam Schiff. No other Democrat had direct access to the testimony as it happened in real-time.

Patel alleges Politico knew the information it was publishing about him was false. He claims in the suit via Breitbart:

Between October 23, 2019, and November 8, 2019, the Defendants, acting in concert with Schiff, made, published and republished numerous false factual statements of or concerning Kash without privilege of any kind. … On November 8, 2019, Schiff released the transcripts of Hill and Vindman’s closed-door, secret interviews conducted in the Capitol Visitor Center. The transcripts demonstrate that Politico, Bertrand, Schiff, and his staffers misled the public in the First and Second Politico Pieces, and intentionally lied about the substance of Hill and Vindman’s interviews.

Politico, Bertrand, and Allbritton knew that Schiff had a preconceived agenda that he was actively promoting. They knew about Schiff’s extreme bias and hatred of President Trump. Significantly, they also knew that Schiff was a wholly unreliable source because of his penchant to tell lies and to mislead.

Patel is seeking the sum of about $25,000,000 or more for the defamation he suffered and “presumed damages and actual damages, including, but not limited to, insult, pain, embarrassment, humiliation, mental suffering, injury to his reputation, special damages, costs, and other out-of-pocket expenses.”

He is demanding a trial by jury. 

The significance of this lawsuit’s filing is that Bertrand’s Politico story on Patel came based on testimony provided behind closed doors to the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry by Fiona Hill and Alexander Vindman. They both alleged, incorrectly, in their testimony that Patel had secret meetings with President Trump on Ukraine matters and provided the president with documents on Ukraine.

But as Breitbart has already reported, while these Democrat impeachment witnesses Hill and Vindman may have testified in Schiff’s private impeachment inquiry to that effect, it was not accurate. Patel has since publicly confirmed he has never spoken with the president about Ukraine.

Adam Schiff continues to beclown himself in his show trial. Starting again tomorrow, Schiff will once again preside over another public hearing with Lt. Col Alexander Vindman as the first witness.

“Within his deposition the ideology of Lt. Col Vindman is clear. Vindman’s mission focus was/is to shape U.S. policy toward Ukraine (and by extension NATO) regardless of the actual policy view of President Trump,” Conservative Treehouse reports. 

Within his deposition, Vindman admitted to giving countermanding instructions to his Ukraine counterpart two weeks after understanding opposite policy objectives from his commander-in-chief. CTH also adds:

During his deposition Lt Col Vindman also admitted -with considerable angst and attempts to deflect from his legal advisors provided by the Dept. of Defense- that he was intentionally usurping the chain of command in an effort to follow his own ideological agenda; and perhaps that of his DoD leadership.

By itself that level of admitted and direct insubordination should be alarming for many reasons; not the least of which is his lineage within the U.S. Military.  Indeed Vindman’s intent and purpose explains why he appeared for his deposition in full military uniform.

So, as the clown show continues, Americans can rest assured the witnesses Schiff brings forward are enemies of Trump, and traitors to the United States. The Democrats want you to believe those like Vindman were doing their duty. Unfortunately, we all know anytime bureaucrats start undermining the duly elected president on foreign policy issues, they are undermining the American people, and nothing they can say will change the truth.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.