Schiff Cries & Lies For 1 Hour About ‘Unfair Trial,’ Trump Attorney Destroys Him

Adam Schiff made his debut in the impeachment trial, and for over one hour he cried and lied about it being “an unfair trial.” He even used a deceptively edited video of President Donald Trump, that’s how low he is going. Immediately, poor Schiff got utterly destroyed by Trump’s attorney, Jay Sekulow, who left Schiff red-faced and completely livid. You’ll love this.

Rep. Adam Schiff, Attorney Jay Sekulow (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Adam Schiff got off to a rough start in the impeachment trial. Schiff’s biggest problem has to do with his own actions during the bogus House hearings he presided over. Schiff had no problem holding those hearings down in a bunker while refusing to allow President Trump any counsel or witnesses.

Today, poor Adam is now telling us big bad Mitch McConnell is making the Senate rules for the trial “unfair.” 

Schiff whined for over one hour about how “unfair” it is, and he added a deceptively edited video of the president. Schiff cut off the video right after Trump said: “Then, I have ‘article two’ where I have the right to do whatever I want…”

@RepAdamSchiff just played the same deceptively edited video Democrats showed in the House, which they CLAIM show him saying Article II of the Constitution ‘will allow him to do anything he wanted.’ As is clear in the FULL video he was talking about the authority to fire Mueller,” tweeted Joel Pollock, Editor at Large at Breitbart.

Schiff didn’t want the American people to see the entire quote. Trump was speaking about his authority to fire Mueller and goes on to say he doesn’t need to hide behind article two because “they found no obstruction of justice.”

Well, when you have no case in the first place, you have to lie. That’s exactly what Schiff did today.

Schiff claims Trump should be removed from office for “obstructing Congress.”

Schiff’s biggest argument revolves around the article of impeachment “obstruction of Congress.” The Democrats claim by the president asserting “Executive Privilege” he is committing an act that should remove him from office.

The Democrats have been saying Trump has “blocked documents” and has forbidden his advisors to testify. The truth is Trump has a Constitutional right to assert “Executive Privilege.” However, the Democrats have a remedy: take him to court.

In fact, Schiff did subpoena Trump’s Deputy National Security Adviser, Charlie Kupperman, who then hired an attorney to ask the judge if the Democrats had the “right” to subpoena him based on their impeachment case.

And what did Shifty Schiff do? Did he show up at court? Nope. He told the court “nevermind” and “promised to never subpoena him again,” said Pat Cipollone, one of the president’s attorneys.

“Outstanding job by Pat Cipollone on the Senate floor. The President is well represented. Cipollone is right. The Democrats have no case. Frankly, they don’t even have a charge,” tweeted Rep. Mark Meadows.

Trump’s other attorney Jay Sekulow demolishes Schiff’s tired lies and propaganda. 

“This isn’t the first time Mr. Schiff tried to put words into transcripts which did not exist,” Sekulow stated. “Mr. Schiff also spoke about a ‘trifecta.’ Well, I’ll give you a trifecta. During the proceedings that took place before the judiciary committee, the president was denied the right to cross-exam witnesses. The president was denied the right to access evidence. And the president was denied the right to have counsel present at hearings. That’s a trifecta. A trifecta that violates the Constitution of the United States.”

Sekulow then reminded us about how Barack Obama’s own Attorney General, Eric Holder, was held in “civil and criminal contempt,” over the Fast and Furious scandal. “Why?” Sekulow asked. “Because President Obama asserted Executive Privilege. With respect to the Holder contempt proceedings, House Manager Schiff wrote: ‘The White House’s assertion of privilege is backed by decades of precedent that has recognized the need of the president and his senior advisers to receive candid advice and information from their top aides.”

“Indeed that’s correct,” Sekulow added. “Not because Manager Schiff said it, but because the Constitution requires it. While Speaker Pelosi called the Holder matter nothing more than a ‘witch hunt.”

All Adam Schiff can do is lie. After Sekulow had destroyed him, the Trump-hating House Manager was clearly red-faced and agitated. He has no case.

This was always going to happen after he fabricated evidence and denied the president any rights during his bogus hearings in the bunker. Now, the truth and the Constitution are coming for Adam Schiff and his cohorts.

Schiff loved his banana republic hearings. Unfortunately for poor Schiff, this is still the United States of America, and we do not railroad anyone, let alone the president, by ignoring the most basic rights every American citizen enjoys.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.