Schiff Gets Reality Check After Making Up New ‘Rules’ For Impeachment Again

Adam Schiff is feeling the heat after days of testimony in his star chamber went all wrong. The House Intel Chairman decided to make up new rules for the impeachment inquiry even though the current rules had been included in the House Resolution voted on last week. In essence, Schiff needs these new rules and hopes to restrict testimony favorable to the president. Well, he was in for a big reality check. Don’t miss this.

President Donald Trump and Rep. Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: Youtube/Screenshot)

House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff issued a set of restrictions on Thursday morning, limiting Republicans to calling witnesses that can respond to three questions, all of which reflect Democrats’ views. We can’t make this stuff up. Schiff is running his own little dictatorship.

The questions, detailed in a letter Wednesday from Schiff to ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), are:

Did the President request that a foreign leader and government initiate investigations to benefit the President’s personal political interests in the United States, including an investigation related to the President’s political rival and potential opponent in the 2020 U.S. presidential election?

Did the President — directly or through agents — seek to use the power of the Office of the President and other instruments of the federal government in other ways to apply pressure on the head of state and government of Ukraine to advance the President’s personal political interests, including by leveraging an Oval Office meeting desired by the President of Ukraine or by withholding U.S. military assistance to Ukraine?

Did the President and his Administration seek to obstruct, suppress, or cover up information to conceal from the Congress and the American people evidence about the President’s actions and conduct?

Schiff is also requiring Nunes to submit “detailed written justification” for each witness requested. In a letter to Nunes, Schiff lists the deadline as “Saturday,” November 8, at 11:20 a.m. However, Nov. 8 is a Friday. It’s just one more mistake made by Schiff who is running a clown show and trying to pass it off as serious impeachment hearings.

Poor Shifty may have not realized yet, but by his own new rules, his first three witnesses for next week would not qualify to answer any of those questions. 

Senator Mark Meadows, who sits on the House Intel Committee with Schiff, gave the “dear leader” Schiff a reality check.

“Setting aside the absurdity of these restrictions—note that the Democrats won’t even be able to stay within their own parameters. The first two witnesses they’re calling have never even talked to POTUS. They have zero firsthand knowledge. How can they speak to his motive?” tweeted Meadows.

Why was Schiff so concerned about the hearings that he decided to once again change the rules? Well, Mark Meadows gives us a big clue about what happened at yesterday’s secret hearings.

“Just finished with Ambassador David Hale’s testimony, the number 3 at the State Department and a distinguished public servant. He made a compelling case that there was absolutely no linkage between suspension of military aid and political investigations,” Meadows tweeted.

The Democrats’ case is falling apart. Rep. Meadows gives us another clue to just how absurd the charges against the president are with his take on this statement by Rep. Eric Swalwell: “It’s an abuse of power to remove an ambassador for political reasons because you don’t like what they’re doing.”

This statement inadvertently gives you an inside look at how unserious and utterly baseless the Democrats’ impeachment case against @realDonaldTrump is. They think it’s an ‘abuse of power’ to remove someone who explicitly serves at the pleasure of the President,” Meadows concluded.

The mainstream media is also gaslighting Americans by only releasing Schiff’s talking points and then reporting them as fact. 

“For the love of God. GORDAN SONDLAND LITERALLY TESTIFIED THAT HE PERSONALLY TOLD THE UKRAINIANS THAT MILITARY AID WAS LINKED TO INVESTIGATIONS ON SEPTEMBER 1 IN WARSAW. Oh. And by the way — Pence did too. In Warsaw. On September 1,” tweeted Zac Petkanas, a former Hillary Clinton aide who is citing a report in the Washington Post. 

Once again, Senator Meadows, who was inside the hearings, called out the liberal lies. “No, he didn’t. This is wrong. He explicitly testified he DID NOT KNOW this was the case, that it was his PRESUMPTION, and that he shared this ASSUMPTION with Ukraine. An assumption which, by the way, the President contradicted. (Sondland also affirmed the contradiction),” Meadows responded.

Schiff realized that when these hearings go on live TV next week, he can’t have GOP Congressmen like Mark Meadows shattering his total impeachment scam.

That’s why he is once again making new rules hoping to restrict the GOP to the point where the truth does not come out. Well, poor Shifty can’t stop the truth. His own witnesses make the case for the GOP, and desperation is never a good look for someone who is trying to overthrow a duly elected president. Schiff’s so-called case will crumble.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.