Tucker Takes Jab At Fox News & Neil Cavuto On Live TV, Then He Gets Rude Awakening

Social media is buzzing with claims that Tucker Carlson blasted Fox News and Neil Cavuto badly on Monday night, even though he didn’t specifically mention them by name. “You can’t just cut away from coverage you don’t like. You can’t simply tell people to accept an outcome… because force doesn’t work in a democracy. That’s a dictatorship,” Carlson said. But that’s not all. The Fox News anchor then got a rude awakening. Don’t miss this.

Neil Cavuto, Tucker Carlson (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot. YouTube/Screenshot)

Tucker Carlson seemingly took aim at his own network on Monday night. The 51-year-old newsman opened up his program by blasting those who suppress dissenting opinions. Carlson did not name anyone outright, but it was crystal clear who he was likely targeting.

Cavuto came under fire on Monday when he cut away from a press conference held by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who was providing evidence of alleged voter fraud. Cavuto told the Fox audience that the network cannot continue to air her “false claims” in “good conscience.”

“Woah, woah, woah. I think we have to be very clear. She’s charging that the other side is welcoming fraud and illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t, in good countenance, continue showing you this,” Cavuto added.

“WOW. @FoxNews just pulled out of the press conference because they didn’t like what @PressSec said about election fraud. I cannot believe they just did that. @realDonaldTrump,” tweeted Matthew Betley. “Shame on @TeamCavuto for pulling that garbage. You don’t cut away from the @PressSec because you don’t like what she’s saying.

Several hours later, Tucker was angry. Cavuto’s snub was so egregious, Carlson seemingly took a swipe at him and his own network: 

“You can’t just cut away from coverage you don’t like. You can’t simply tell people to accept an outcome… because force doesn’t work in a democracy. That’s a dictatorship,” Carlson said. “In a free society, you have to convince the public of your legitimacy. You have to win them over with reason. Democracy is always a voluntary arrangement. Telling voters to shut up is never enough.”

“So much for those claims that ‘voter fraud never happens,'” Carlson said. “Of course it happens. They knew it happened when they told us it never happens because they’re liars. But gathering facts is the last thing our media, our designated fact gatherers wants to do.”

“Instead they are demanding that you shut up and accept Joe Biden, period,” Carlson explained. “That’s their verdict and you must accept it. And if you don’t accept it, they’ll hurt you.”

Tucker took to Twitter, and Americans gave him a rude awakening. 

“Our first response to all the news you heard this weekend. Don’t miss the show tonight at 8pm ET on #FoxNews,” tweeted Carlson.

“As much as I love you Tucker – Fox News treats us like sh*t and I never watch them again,” responded Twitter user “Catturd.”

“Please leave Foxnews. You’re literally the only show I still watch on their network, but not sure how much longer that will be,” tweeted “338.”

“You don’t need Fox. They need you. Ditch em,” tweeted Twitter user “1776.”

“I can’t Tucker. Gotta be consistent and send a message to the Murdochs. Ratings must collapse across the board for this to happen,” tweeted Kyle Raccio.

“Sorry Tucker I cannot watch Fox News anymore! Love you man but Fox News has gone Whack!!” tweeted Eric Carr.

“TUCKER, we love what you do………..but your NETWORK is TOAST…..we are FED UP with JUAN, BRAZILE, BEIR, CAVUTO, and the rest of the cowards……..and also fed with KATHRYN MURDOCH….banning ur network in our house,” tweeted “Stock Market Caddie.”

“Sorry man, Fox won’t ever be seen again by this family. Move to @OANN or @newsmax,” tweeted Paul G.

Tucker Carlson may be facing a real crossroads. 

He is seen as a legitimate news journalist and makes approximately six million dollars, according to one report. However, how this alleged voter fraud scandal plays out may cause Carlson to have to choose to walk away from Fox News or suck it up and turn into another talking head for the network.

Clearly, Newsmax or One America News Network could not match that salary, not now. However, there is no doubt if Tucker decides to join another conservative network, loyal fans would follow him. Tucker has a lot of thinking to do. Let’s hope he stays strong and leaves Fox News.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.