Whitmer Sent State Troopers Who Blocked MI GOP Electors, Gets Rude Awakening

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sent state troopers who blocked the GOP electors from entering the state capital building to cast their votes for President Donald Trump. The showdown was caught on video. It didn’t end well for Whitmer as she got a rude awakening. Don’t miss this.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, GOP electors are blocked from entering state capitol building (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Republicans in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, New Mexico, and Nevada entered competing slates of electors for President Donald Trump on Monday as Electoral College members in six contested battleground states officially cast their ballots for Democrat Joe Biden.

“By casting conditional votes for Trump, the GOP electors have set up an epic showdown in a joint session of Congress next month when lawmakers convene to count the electoral votes and officially declare the winner,” American Greatness reports. “Democrat Governor  Gretchen Whitmer sent state police and 200+ troops to block Republican electors from entering the capitol building today to perform their constitutional duty.”

“Our Capitol is totally closed and locked down, away from the rest of the people,” said one of the Michigan Representatives outside of the Capitol building in Lansing.

“MI Attorney General is threatening legislators w criminal investigation and possible prosecution if they disagree with her, and the MI Governor and other officials are shutting down the peoples’ house and preventing them from gathering today to perform their constitutional duty,” tweeted Phillip Kline, who is the former attorney general of Kansas who is representing the Michigan GOP electors.

Governor Whitmer claimed the GOP electors were sowing “domestic terrorism.” 

“I do believe that anyone who is inciting people to take action is contributing to a hostile environment that can lead to domestic terrorism, and I take it very seriously,” Whitmer said. “You know what, I should take it very seriously because some of that was directed my way early on and throughout the course of this year.”

Whitmer’s remarks and her own actions come after Michigan State Reps. Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, and Speaker-elect Jason Wentworth, R-Claremont, sounded off on the GOP electors going to the state capitol.

“We have been consistent in our position on issues of violence and intimidation in politics – it is never appropriate and never acceptable,” they said. “That applies to threats made toward public officials, and it must also apply when the public officials open the door to violent behavior and refuse to condemn it. We must do better.”

Whitmer had taken one state representative’s remarks out of context to make these wild accusations. She also appeared to use this “domestic terrorism” excuse to send the state troopers to block the GOP electors.

Phillip Kline led the charge at the Michigan State Capitol. 

“Like tyrannical kings of old dissolving lawful parliaments, governors in these contested states have declared themselves to be the law, and are actively preventing the state legislatures from exercising their constitutional authority over the final certification process,” said Phill Klein, former Attorney General of Kansas, now Director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society.

Although initially blocked by state authorities, a delegation of 16 Michigan Republican Electors were eventually able to convene and cast their ballots for President Trump

“According to Women for Trump 2020 advisory board member Meshawn Maddock, the GOP electors in Michigan were eventually able to convene and cast their votes for the president and vice president,” American Greatness adds.

Maddock, At Large National Elector wrote on Facebook:

Today the delegation of 16 Michigan Republican Electors convened to cast their ballots for President Trump and send our pledges to Washington!

Today we did not replace any Democrat Electors. We sent Republican Electors alongside the Democrat Electors just to be safe, despite being blocked from entering the Capitol.

Poor Gov. Whitmer. She tried her best to commit one last dastardly deed to thwart the 2020 election. The left-wing governor found out the hard way when you have American patriots hellbent on doing their constitutional duty, it’s best you get out of their way.

Democrats love to claim it’s President Trump and his supporters who are Fascism-living thugs and authoritarians, but it’s the Gretchen Whitmers in their own party who prove they are the true Fascists. They always have been.

This style of governing with endless lockdowns and sending in your own troopers who blocked patriots is something that will come back to haunt Gretchen Whitmer. She has already been the target of a recall effort, and she’s also one of the most hated Democrats in the nation. Whitmer’s political career is in the dumper, and she isn’t doing herself any favors by playing the Fascist card over and over again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.