YouTube Bans Videos Questioning Biden Victory Starting Now, Gets Rude Awakening

Google-owned YouTube is taking the unprecedented action of banning or removing videos or content that questions a Biden victory. “We will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election,” YouTube said. Well, that’s when Americans gave them a rude awakening.

Joe Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

YouTube has announced plans to remove any content that questions Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 U.S. presidential election despite the fact that legal challenges involving multiple states continue.

YouTube also announced it will be promoting “authoritative news sources,” such as NBC and CBS in video recommendations.

In a recent blog post titled “Supporting the 2020 U.S. election,” Google-owned video-sharing platform YouTube announced plans to remove any content that questions Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 U.S. presidential election or implies fraud impacted the election outcome.

Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections.

For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come. As always, news coverage and commentary on these issues can remain on our site if there’s sufficient education, documentary, scientific or artistic context.

Prominent YouTuber Steven Crowder devoted much of his Wednesday broadcast to the “new rule.”

“I don’t know if the actual Supreme Court of the United States suffices YouTube?” Crowder said mocking the part of YouTube’s statement saying “commentary on these issues can remain on our site if there’s sufficient education, documentary, scientific or artistic context.’

“Let’s be clear: president-elect? No. The disputes have not been resolved,” Crowder added. “This is the rule: There are disputes in these states and you cannot say the election is over. And listen, I am not going to stop. Of course, no conspiracies, not conjecture, everything we do we try and source.”

“Some people may say why are trying to fight a losing battle,” Crowder declared. “You may be right. But I’m not going to believe it until Joe Biden himself drools his sorry little hair-plugged ass down those stairs as the president. Until then? No! I’m not going along with it.”

Well, he wasn’t alone. Americans also sounded off on social media and gave YouTube a rude awakening. 

“Are we in America? Pinch yourself. 20 years ago could you imagine this kind of censorship here? We have to win this SCOTUS election scam case, or these Goons will run wild and we’ll never see a fair election again. Count on it,” tweeted “President Elect JR.”

“Does this SOUND like Biden won to you? Censoring videos questioning 2020 election integrity? Really??” tweeted Virginia Fenderhead.

“The censorship continues! What’s the use of having a First Amendment if it’s the Last Amendment & then trashed by the Liberal MSM?” tweeted Daniel F. Baranowski.

“Absolute control! Google is removing videos questioning Biden’s ‘victory’. Have they removed videos questioning Trump’s 2016 victory?” tweeted Twitter user “Femi.”

We all remember after Trump won the election the mainstream media and Big Tech platforms allowed content questioning his victory. The narrative of Trump as an “illegitimate” president went on for four years unchecked and uncensored.

However, you did not see conservatives calling for censorship. No one said it was time to shut down the free speech of anyone who made those allegations.

That’s how America works. We do not shut down free speech. We want passionate discourse on subjects. It’s what makes America great.

Anyone not disturbed by YouTube’s latest “rule” needs to check themselves. This is the type of Gestapo tactics that leads to the utter annihilation of America as we know it.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” That quote by Edmund Burke is as relevant today as it was back then. We cannot give in to political apathy or we will lose the very freedom that those who shed blood to keep this nation free died for.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.