Political Opinion

Reiner Calls On Bush & Obama To Stop Trump’s Insanity & Save Us, Gets Blasted

Rob Reiner is once again weighing into matters that are way above his head. “Trump’s mental illness is killing people. We are in a crisis of epic proportions. I call on Bush, Obama to step forward to stop this insanity and save human life,” Reiner claimed. Poor Rob didn’t know what hit him as he got blasted for his ridiculous remarks. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Pelosi Blasted, Says Trump Told Americans To Inject ‘Lysol’ Into Their Lungs

Nancy Pelosi is really upset that she was forced to come back to Capitol Hill from her lavish mansion. That’s why she couldn’t help but take pop shots at President Donald Trump. On Friday, the Speaker held a press conference. “The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs,” Pelosi said.  Well, that when she got brutally blasted. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Joy: King Trump Demotes Smartest Doctor For Warning Us About Drug, Gets Destroyed

Joy Behar made another crazy allegation against President Donald Trump on Thursday. The 77-year-old co-host of The View said Dr. Rick Bright was “forced out” by the president for warning Americans that the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and was killing those who took it to fight COVID-19. Well, poor Joy gets utterly destroyed for outright lying on live TV. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Ellen Barkin: ‘Stalin Trump’ Caused More Deaths Than Vietnam War, Gets Blasted

Hollywood actress turned leftwing activist Ellen Barkin is making wild accusations about President Donald Trump. The 66-year-old claims Trump is just like Joseph Stalin and has caused more deaths than “Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon,” a reference to U.S. presidents who presided over the Vietnam War. She also called Trump supporters “the most extreme right-wingers since the Nazis.” Well, that’s when poor Ellen got blasted for her ridiculous remarks. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Pelosi Gets Torched, Says Next Stimulus Will ‘Enable Americans To Vote By Mail’

Nancy Pelosi is making it clear she and her Democrat cohorts already have the next stimulus package lined up. The Speaker, who has come under fire in the last week, said a “chunk of money” will be designated in the next coronavirus stimulus bill “to enable all the American people to vote by mail.” That’s not all she has up her sleeve, and that’s why she immediately got torched. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Fauci Resurfaces: NIH Panel Recommends Against Drug Combo Promoted By Trump For COVID-19

As the White House daily press briefings on the COVID-19 crisis have now turned to re-opening our economy, Dr. Anthony Fauci has become less visible. Well, that’s what most reporters thought. Fauci directs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which had convened a panel of experts who recommended against the use of the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat the virus. That’s when sinister plans to “set up” President Donald Trump came to light. Don’t miss this. […]