Political Opinion

De Blasio: I’ll Construct Fences At Beaches To Keep Americans Out; Gets Torched

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has made it clear he will go ahead and construct fences at beaches to ensure no one can access the waterfront as part of his Gestapo-like coronavirus plan. This is coming from the “open border” guy who hates fences along our Southern border to keep illegal aliens out. Well, ole Bill got utterly torched. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Obama Denied Knowledge Of ‘Trump Coup Attempt,’ New Rice Memo Suggests Otherwise

Barack Obama has been very tight-lipped about the origins of the bogus Flynn case and Crossfire Hurricane investigation which President Donald Trump has dubbed Obamagate. However, former NSA Director Susan Rice became infamous for writing herself a “CYA” memo as President Trump was being inaugurated, and now that memo has been fully declassified. It’s devastating news for poor Barry O. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Joy: No One With A Brain Takes Hydroxychloroquine, GOP Rep. Shuts Her Up With Truth

Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania was a guest on The View on Tuesday to discuss COVID-19. The GOP Congressman mentioned taking hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that has shown great promise in some studies. “I can’t believe anyone with a brain would take that stuff,” Joy Behar declared. That’s when sparks flew as Rep. Kelly shut up Behar without losing his cool. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Pelosi Gets Destroyed, Says ‘Morbidly Obese’ Trump Should Not Take Hydroxychloroquine

Nancy Pelosi was laughing on CNN Monday night as she claimed the president was “morbidly obese” and should not be taking hydroxychloroquine. The 80-year-old ice cream addict was “concerned” that the president is “risking his health” taking something “not approved by the scientists.” Well, poor Pelosi stopped laughing as she got utterly destroyed for her incredibly childish remarks. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Woods: Trump Loves America More Than Any POTUS In My Lifetime, Dems Freak Out

James Woods caused quite a dust-up after he shared his thoughts on President Donald Trump. The two-time Oscar-nominated actor made it crystal clear that he is a huge supporter of the president when he said, “Let’s face it. Donald Trump is a rough individual. He loves America more than any President in my lifetime.” That made the Democrats totally freak out. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Salon Owner: Democrats Sent Child Protective Services After Me For Re-Opening

One young mother who owns her own salon is now telling the horrific tale of how Democrat state officials are coming after her three small children in retribution after she re-opened her business in defiance of “stay at home” orders. They are also “bullying” and harassing” the salon owner in ways that will make you sick. You don’t want to miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Maxine: Blacks Keep Your A** At Home, They Don’t Care About You – Gets Smackdown

Maxine Waters went on a tirade as she warned “black people” about going out in public as many in Los Angeles are out protesting the lockdown. “This is Auntie Maxine,” she said. “I want black people, my people, to keep your a** at home. A lot of people out there don’t care about you.” Well, poor Maxine got an epic smackdown for exposing her own “racism.” You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Streisand: Americans Dying Over Trump’s Failure To Follow Science, Gets Blasted

Barbra Streisand is freaking out. She is claiming that President Donald Trump and the GOP are to blame for Americans dying. In fact, she takes it so far as to say “Trump is a saboteur of our public health. The GOP is not following medical science.” Streisand claims she trusts the CDC and has nothing to say about the Chinese Communist Party. That’s why she got blasted, big time. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Clapper Gets Utterly Torched For Claiming He Doesn’t Know Why He Unmasked Flynn

On Thursday, Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appeared on cable news and was asked why he sent three separate requests to “unmask” Lt. General Michael Flynn. Clapper claimed he did not remember why he did that back in 2016-17. Well, that’s pretty ironic since Clapper was the man in charge of all intelligence gathering in the United States, and that’s why he immediately got utterly torched. You’ll love this. […]