Social Issues

Black Marine Holds Flag Up High Amid Riots, Antifa Follows Him Home & Regret It

Gabriel Johnson, 48, a retired Marine lives around the block from the epicenter of the Portland riots. After becoming sick and tired of the anti-American destruction in his own backyard, Johnson showed up to promote patriotism with his American flag. Well, the Antifa mob did not like that and followed him home, and that’s when the Marine made them regret it. You’ll love this. […]

Social Issues

Leftists Demand Notre Dame Change ‘Fighting Irish’ Nickname, Get Epic Smackdown

For years, Irish Americans have been proud that the University of Notre Dame adopted as their mascot the “Fighting Irish.” No one ever saw the nickname as a “racial slur” until the leftwing activists started this cancel culture. Now, a group of activists is demanding Notre Dame change the name, and that’s when longtime Trump supporter Lou Holtz, who coached Notre Dame for eleven years, gave them an epic smackdown. […]

Social Issues

Meghan & Harry Pander To BLM By Slamming ‘Racist’ Commonwealth, Get Smackdown

Just how low are Meghan Markle and her sidekick husband Harry willing to go to pander to the Black Lives Matter movement? Well, the “super woke” duo has now burned the biggest bridge to date. They threw Harry’s grandmother under the bus by making the most ridiculous accusation. Citing “racism” in the past of British colonies, Harry egged on by Meghan tried to destroy his own grandmother. Well, that’s when they got a brutal smackdown. You’ll love this. […]

Social Issues

Kaepernick: We Reject July 4 Celebration Of White Supremacy, Gets Epic Smackdown

Colin Kaepernick decided to enlighten Americans about our Independence Day which we celebrate on July 4. According to Kaepernick, America has “dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized, and terrorized” blacks for centuries. He further called the celebrations commemorating the nation’s founding a “celebration of white supremacy” which he claims Black Lives Matter rejects. Well, that’s when poor Colin got an epic smackdown he never saw coming. You’ll love this. […]

Social Issues

Meghan & Harry Promise BLM They’ll Make Americans ‘Do Better’ – Get Epic Smackdown

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made an appeal to the Black Lives Matter protesters by apologizing for “institutional racism” that they claim is everywhere. They told BLM they are “sorry we haven’t got the world to the place you deserve it to be.” Harry promised he and Meghan would do everything in “their power” to encourage Americans to do better and “right the wrongs of the past.” Well, that when the dastardly duo got an epic smackdown. […]