Political Opinion

Trump Vows To Destroy Romney, Reports Suggest He Became Senator To Aid Democrats

Mitt Romney badly needed Donald Trump’s endorsement to become Utah’s junior senator, and he got it. But now that Romney has betrayed the president, Trump is done playing nice. Evidence has come to light that shows the failed presidential candidate fooled the good people of Utah and became a senator to help the Democrats destroy Trump, and the president isn’t going to let it go. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Whoopi Furious After Her New Respect & Esteem For Romney Exposed As ‘Big Fraud’

Whoopi Goldberg went nuts after her newfound esteem for Mitt Romeny was exposed as totally hypocritical. In 2012, Goldberg claimed Mitt was a “confused candidate” who “flushed his ideals down the drain” and “sheds ideas faster than a snake sheds skin.” Now, Whoopi is calling Romney a “profile in courage” and lavishing praise on him after he voted to convict the president. That’s when she was exposed as one big fraud on live TV, and boy was she furious. […]

Political Opinion

Romney: ‘Religion’ Why He Convicted Trump, ‘Sore Loser’ To Be Expelled From GOP

Mitt Romney is in a heap of trouble after he voted to convict President Donald Trump on one article of impeachment. The Utah Senator cited his “deep faith” and his “religious convictions” as reasons why he had to vote to convict the president. Well, his dirty deeds are coming back to haunt him. The “sore loser” is about to be expelled from the Republican Party. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Whoopi Slams Rush, Says Medal Of Freedom ‘For People Who Did Stuff,’ Gets Blasted

Whoopi Goldberg went on a tirade over President Donald Trump awarding Rush Limbaugh with the Medal of Freedom. “But I’m sorry, I thought that the Medal of Freedom was supposed to go to people who actually did stuff,’ Goldberg complained. It must have slipped Goldberg’s mind that Barack Obama gave out over 100, mostly to his Hollywood buddies. Well, that’s when poor Whoopi got blasted for her ignorant remarks. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Omar, Tlaib Refuse To Stand To Honor Last Surviving Tuskegee Airmen – Regret It

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who tout themselves as “women of color” serving in the House of Representatives, shocked those in attendance at Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. The two “Squad” members refused to honor Charles McGee, the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. They remained seated with scowls on their faces as President Donald Trump introduced him. It was caught on video, and they were made to regret it. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Sharpton: Kapernick Never Mocked National Anthem Like Unpatriotic Trump, Regrets It

Reverend Al Sharpton was being hypocritical during his appearance on MSNBC on Tuesday. A new video has emerged which Sharpton claims clearly proves President Donald Trump is “mocking the national anthem.” He added: “Kaepernick did not mock the national anthem. This was a mockery.” Well, Sharpton was made to regret his remarks as the truth of the video gets exposed. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Iowa Caucus Debacle Financed By Clinton DNC Elites, New Scheme ‘To Get Trump’

The Iowa Caucus debacle of Monday night was no accident. It was a pre-planned event and financed by the same Democratic National Committee elites tied to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. It was also meant to cover up their new scheme “to get rid of” President Donald Trump now that impeachment is over. All Americans need to be aware of the DNC’s next move to stop Trump. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Haters Celebrate Rush’s Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer, Patriots Make Them Regret It

Rush Limbaugh shocked listeners to his radio program on Monday by announcing he has been diagnosed with “advanced stage lung cancer.” Limbaugh claimed he vacillated about going public: “I like this program to be about you and the things that matter to all of us…there has been an incredible bond that has developed between all of you and me.” Well, right away leftwing haters celebrated, and that’s when patriots made them regret it. […]