Political Opinion

Trump: ‘Dirty Cop James Comey Got Caught’ Setting Up Gen. Flynn – Arrest Likely

President Donald Trump dropped a truth bomb on Thursday morning after time ran out for the FBI cover-up scheme. “DIRTY COP JAMES COMEY GOT CAUGHT!” the president wrote in all caps on Twitter referring to newly released evidence that proves the former FBI Director set up Lt. General Michael Flynn. Now, shocking news is developing as James Comey is running scared. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Pelosi: Ice Cream In My Freezer Much Better Than Lysol In Lungs, Gets Blasted

Nancy Pelosi is taunting President Donald Trump as she relaxes at her San Franciso mansion while he is hard at work in Washington, D.C. The Speaker claimed Americans aren’t concerned about the “ice cream in my freezer” because she said it is much better than having “Lysol in someday’s lungs.” Well, that’s when she found out the hard way Americans aren’t amused with her continuous lying. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Tara Reade Unleashes New Info, Torches Hillary For Endorsing ‘Sexual Predator’

Tara Reade isn’t backing down in the face of the Democrat elite who have come out to endorse Joe Biden. In fact, the former Biden staffer torched Hillary Clinton for doing a live stream with the former vice-president and failing to ask him about her allegations. “He raped me,” Reade said as she went on to give new information. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Michelle ‘Surprise’ Netflix Doc Tests Run For VP, Her Mom Won’t Be On Board

Last week, Jill Biden was gushing to reporters about Michelle Obama potentially becoming her husband’s running mate, and like clockwork, we learn Netflix is rolling out a “surprise” documentary titled: “Becoming Michelle.” However, Michelle’s own mother previously said she does not see her as “a star” and won’t be on board. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Doctors Calling For Reopening Of Country Get Censored, Americans Fight Back

The two California urgent care physicians who took YouTube by storm with a coronavirus fact-based video last weekend are now being censored. The video platform removed all of their content. The doctors, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, followed up their newfound YouTube fame by making an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. Well, patriotic Americans aren’t standing for the censorship and are fighting back, which is making leftists go nuts. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Stern Blasted After Saying Trump Should Resign, Supporters Should ‘Drop Dead’

Radio shock jock Howard Stern is using much of his airtime to trash President Donald Trump and his supporters. Stern engages in using a lot of profanity to claim the president blew the COVID crisis and should resign. He also lashed out at Trump supporters calling them “f*cking morons” who should “take disinfectant and drop dead.” Well, poor Howard got blasted in ways he never saw coming. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Pelosi & Cohorts Abandon D.C. Again To ‘Eat Ice Cream’ — Trump Lashes Out

President Donald Trump was totally blindsided by reports that Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts had once again abandoned Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Reporters were notified that the Speaker had abruptly left Washington D.C. along with her cohorts as the president was holding a presser in the Oval Office. When will the Speaker return to work? That answer caused President Trump to lash out at Pelosi. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Diamond & Silk Canned By Fox News Over ‘COVID Remarks,’ Trump Fires Back

Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson are the latest casualties of Fox News’ attempt to turn the cable news network into a more “politically correct” media outlet. Popular Fox Business anchor Trish Reagan also got canned by the network at the end of March. What were their crimes? All three ladies dared to question what was really going on with the COVID crisis, and that’s why President Donald Trump fired back. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Pelosi Tries To Sneak Universal Basic Income In New Relief Bill, Gets Torched

Nancy Pelosi is hoping to sneak in “universal basic income” into the new COVID-19 relief bill. Calling it “a minimum guaranteed income,” the House Speaker claimed it was “time to consider” including such a clause in the next funding package. Americans don’t want a new relief bill. They want to go back to work, and that’s why she got utterly torched. Don’t miss this. […]