Political Opinion

‘When’s The Civil War Gonna Start?’: Rush Warns Democrats They Are In Trouble

Rush Limbaugh let loose on his radio show Tuesday by sharing that he has had many Americans contact him about the ongoing riots in Democrat-run states. Listeners asked Rush: “When is the silent majority going to rise up?” He answered: “You realize what you’re asking me, don’t you? You’re asking me when is the civil war gonna start?” That’s when Rush explained what’s going to happen next, and it’s bad news for the Democrats. You’ll love this. […]

Cops & Criminals

Antifa Threatens Homes, Sheriff Warns Armed Residents Will ‘Blow Them Away’

Antifa rioters were busy bees in Central Florida on Monday night. After real protesters enjoyed a day of peaceful rallies, the Polk Sheriff’s Department learned the Antifa thugs were coordinating on social media to hit residential homes. That’s when Sheriff Grady Judd issued a dire warning: “armed residents will blow looters back out of the house.” Well, that’s not all that went down as the rioters got a rude awakening. You’ll love this. […]

Cops & Criminals

Parents Escort ‘Antifa Kid’ To Be Arrested After Armed Store Owners Fight Back

Brian Jordan Bartels, a 20-year-old man who Pittsburgh police said was caught on video inciting violence during a protest, was escorted by his parents as he surrendered to authorities. His parents are alarmed after seeing store owners arm themselves and vow to shoot anyone who dares to loot their business. This didn’t end well for the “Antifa kid.” You don’t want to miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Cop Shot In Head By Rioter, Hillary & Hollywood Get Torched For Blaming Trump

A Las Vegas police officer was shot in the head by a rioter as he was attempting to do his job on Monday night. He is in critical condition and on life support. Meanwhile, Hollywood celebrities are following the lead of Hillary Clinton who is blaming the president for “using the American military to shoot peaceful protestors with rubber bullets and tear gas them.” Well, Hillary and her gang got torched by fed-up Americans. […]

Political Opinion

‘If Floyd Was White, It Wouldn’t Make The News’: Rush Makes Black Radio Show Hosts Furious

Rush Limbaugh took on the most popular leftist radio show in America hosted by three African-Americans who challenged him on so-called “white privilege.” Limbaugh made them all utterly furious. “If what happened to George Floyd had happened to a white man, we probably wouldn’t even of heard about it,” he said. But that’s not all. Limbaugh masterfully taught them all a huge lesson on the truth about the Democrats. You’ll love this. […]


Leslie Jones: ‘Burn Down This F*cking Constitution,’ She Gets Epic Smackdown

Former Saturday Night Live star Leslie Jones says people participating in the nationwide “protests” in response to the police-involved death of George Floyd should focus on one thing, and that is to “burn down the Constitution.” Jones proudly claimed she “burned sh*t down” during the Los Angles riots of 1992. She added it’s time to “destroy our entire system” with total anarchy. Well, that’s when she got an epic smackdown she never saw coming. You’ll love this. […]


Chrissy Teigen & John Legend Donate $200K To Bail Out Rioters – They Get Torched

Chrissy Teigen, the former model who is married to musician John Legend, announced she was donating $200,000 dollars to bail-out “protesters.” Teigen and her husband are huge haters of President Donald Trump, and when one American pointed out those being arrested aren’t “protesters” but are “rioters and criminals,” Teigen and Legend proudly doubled their donation. That’s when the leftwing couple got utterly torched. You’ll love this. […]