Political Opinion

Obama And Biden Panic, New Flynn Case Bombshell Drops Right On Their Front Door

On Wednesday, CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge dropped a bombshell when she published the names of those individuals in the Obama administration who unmasked General Michael Flynn. Joe Biden was on the top of that list. However, the list of those who unmasked Flynn is not the biggest bombshell. A deep dive into those documents uncovered a blockbuster revelation that sent Barack Obama and Joe Biden into panic mode. You don’t want to miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Rosie Freaks: Listen To Fauci — Trump’s Lying And On The Edge Of A Total Breakdown!

Rosie O’Donnell is freaking out. The New York resident posted pics of herself looking really rough, and her oddball behavior continued on Tuesday when she went on a rant demanding Americans stay in lockdown mode. She also claimed the only person we can trust is Dr. Anthony Fauci and then said: “Trump is lying and on the edge of a total breakdown.” Well, poor Rosie got a huge dose of reality from middle-class Americans. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Behar: Trump’s Interaction With Reporter Was ‘Racist’ – Gets Torched By Truth

Joy Behar is claiming when President Donald Trump took the Asian CBS reporter to task for being combative and belligerent on Monday, he was being a “disgusting racist.” Joy wasn’t done making wild accusations. “Anybody who still supports [Trump] needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves if they are racist also,” she added. Well, that’s when poor Joy got torched by the truth. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Obama Officials Who Unmasked Flynn & Started Russia Hoax Declassified By DNI

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell just declassified the names of the Obama officials who unmasked Lt. General Michael Flynn and who subsequently started the Russian collusion hoax. This was long overdue. Americans have been demanding justice for years. This is really bad news for Barack Obama and his minions who thought they could get away with the biggest hoax in American history. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Asian Reporter Suggests Trump’s ‘Racist,’ POTUS Instantly Makes Her Regret It

It’s such a shame we don’t have a White House press pool that really cares about the facts and getting the truth out to the American people. Sparks were flying On Monday after an Asian reporter from CBS became obnoxious and suggested the president was a “racist.” That’s when President Donald Trump instantly made her regret it. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Flynn Attorney: Obama ‘Absolutely’ Knew Of Plot To ‘Set Him Up & Frame Him’

Lt. General Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, is speaking out and sharing the details of what she learned in her deep dive into the Obama administration. Powell said the FBI’s plot to “frame Flynn” went all the way to the Oval Office, claiming former President Barack Obama “absolutely” knew of the plan to “set him up.” But that’s not all. Powell gave stunning details proving Obama told the FBI to lie to the incoming president. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Barack Panics In Leaked Call After Trump Calls For ‘Obamagate’ Investigation

Barack Obama is in panic mode after a recent phone call was leaked. The former president can be heard saying he is extremely upset the “Justice Departement dropped the charges against Micheal Flynn.” Obama goes on to give his operatives instructions. Making matter worse for him, President Donald Trump signaled that it’s time for an “Obamagate” investigation, claiming that “he was caught.” You don’t want to miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Actor Michael Rapaport Throttled For Vicious Attack Of Melania On Mother’s Day

Micheal Rapaport is a leftwing actor who loves to make lewd comments. “Never forget a hooker and a con man run America,” Rapport said last month. On Sunday, he focused his hate on Melania: “Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you’re a better mother than you are First Lady, you’re useless as a First Lady, literally @FLOTUS.” Well, that’s when poor Mike got throttled by Americans in ways he never saw coming. You’ll love this. […]