Political Opinion

Rob Reiner: ‘We Have A Criminal In Our White House,’ Rush Utterly Destroys Him

Rob Reiner, like so many in the Hollywood crowd, is utterly exasperated over the failure to oust President Donald Trump. Reiner has personally spent ten of thousands of dollars in his anti-Trump campaigns, and now he’s angry the Justice Department is planning to reduce its original sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone. “We have a criminal living in our White House,” Reiner exclaimed. Well, immediately Rush Limbaugh utterly destroyed him. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Whoopi Furious After Her New Respect & Esteem For Romney Exposed As ‘Big Fraud’

Whoopi Goldberg went nuts after her newfound esteem for Mitt Romeny was exposed as totally hypocritical. In 2012, Goldberg claimed Mitt was a “confused candidate” who “flushed his ideals down the drain” and “sheds ideas faster than a snake sheds skin.” Now, Whoopi is calling Romney a “profile in courage” and lavishing praise on him after he voted to convict the president. That’s when she was exposed as one big fraud on live TV, and boy was she furious. […]

Political Opinion

Whoopi Slams Rush, Says Medal Of Freedom ‘For People Who Did Stuff,’ Gets Blasted

Whoopi Goldberg went on a tirade over President Donald Trump awarding Rush Limbaugh with the Medal of Freedom. “But I’m sorry, I thought that the Medal of Freedom was supposed to go to people who actually did stuff,’ Goldberg complained. It must have slipped Goldberg’s mind that Barack Obama gave out over 100, mostly to his Hollywood buddies. Well, that’s when poor Whoopi got blasted for her ignorant remarks. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Haters Celebrate Rush’s Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer, Patriots Make Them Regret It

Rush Limbaugh shocked listeners to his radio program on Monday by announcing he has been diagnosed with “advanced stage lung cancer.” Limbaugh claimed he vacillated about going public: “I like this program to be about you and the things that matter to all of us…there has been an incredible bond that has developed between all of you and me.” Well, right away leftwing haters celebrated, and that’s when patriots made them regret it. […]

Political Opinion

Joy: Pelosi’s Catholic Faith Has Moral Standing On Impeachment, Rush Destroys Her

Joy Behar claimed on The View that Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s total meltdown during yesterday’s press conference was really not a meltdown at all. Behar said that Pelosi’s “devout Catholic faith has moral standing” on impeaching President Donald Trump and that the Democrats aren’t impeaching Trump over “hatred.” Well, poor Joy was in for a rude awakening as Rush Limbaugh destroyed her ridiculous take on Pelosi. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

‘Nervous Nancy’ Plots To End Impeachment Without Vote, Rush Destroys Her

Nancy Pelosi is facing a catastrophic crisis for the Democrat Party, and it could end her career in disgrace. That is the word from Rush Limbaugh, who claimed, “Nervous Nancy wants a way out of this impeachment vote. How could she do it? Here’s what I think she could do.” That’s when Limbaugh spilled the beans and utterly destroyed Pelosi and her secret plot. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Schiff: Trump’s Covering Up Allegedly Treasonous Call, Rush Destroys Him

Rep. Adam Schiff is blasting President Donald Trump after a new “whistleblower” in the Intelligence Community made a formal complaint that the president was caught “making an unspecified promise to a foreign leader” during a recent phone call. Schiff claims the Inspector General says it’s “urgent and credible,” and he’s fired up so “the American people can learn the truth about this cover-up.” The Democrats once again aren’t telling the truth, and that’s why Rush Limbaugh destroyed them. […]